PP2-x Panzer Elite
Firing the main gun and it's many options
Today we are going to be using the PP2-x Panther on the excellent firing range by PEDG
NUMPAD 5: Press numpad 5 (ensure NUMLOCK is on) to get to the commanders view
F5: Press the F5 key to go to the commanders binocular view. Press NUMPAD 5 to go back to normal view.
F8: Press F8 to get to the main gun site. The gun is rotated with the arrow keys on the numpad and the mouse. The gun is fired with the spacebar or the left mouse button.
F9 - F10: Press F9 and F10 to adjust the range of the guns optics
Alt L: Alt L to turn on the illuminated optics
H: H will tell the loader to load a High Explosive round into the gun. He will have to remove the other first! You will need to use the correct scale in the optic because the round has a different weight, very realistic, well done PEDG.
SHIFT A: This will tell the gunner to load you're Special AP round, again there will be a delay as the gunner removes the other round first. Again you will need to use the correct scale for the munition to aim off.
CTRL S: This will fire the smoke dispensers, if the tank is fitted with them. Some tanks could also angle the smoke with the CTRL F9 - F10 keys
Z: The Z key is used to zoom the optic if the gun had a zoom feature, again this is handled realistically.
That covers the main aiming and firing of the tanks main gun.