Panzer Elite
I have just completed a single scenario from Panzer Elite. I played as Allied in a Sherman M4 in Italy, the mission was to move through the villages to the East of the FARP and secure a bridge. We were supported by two other tank groups and an infantry support team.
The whole sim is very polished, from the animated map briefing to the resupply and rearming of your tanks. Crew and ammo management are there for you to adjust.
All started off well, we met some light resistance from an Axis scout squad but they were no match for the Sherman's fire power. About 2 km's in and we met our first real challenge, 4 Panzer iv's which were hidden very well. We lost the lead tank almost straight away (mine) to a Panzer iv. I then re-spawned into one of my wingmens tanks and between us we dealt with the threat.
We pushed on towards our objective in the East, all reasonably quiet apart from some distant firing sounds of our friendlies being engaged. As i crested a small hill I lost another Sherman, again to another well dug in threat, this time it was a couple of pak's. I got off the road and looked for the target which i spotted as his shell whizzed over our tank.
Then bang, another Sherman lost, I was now down to my last Sherman. I spent what seemed ages searching from the commanders cupola with my optics, I spotted and destroyed the two Stug's that had cost us so dearly.
I then pushed on toward the objective as I had a message over the radio the other squads were approaching the bridge. I was not needed for the bridge assault as the friendlies had dealt with the task.
All in all a very good combination of role play and tank sim, superb!
The whole sim is very polished, from the animated map briefing to the resupply and rearming of your tanks. Crew and ammo management are there for you to adjust.
All started off well, we met some light resistance from an Axis scout squad but they were no match for the Sherman's fire power. About 2 km's in and we met our first real challenge, 4 Panzer iv's which were hidden very well. We lost the lead tank almost straight away (mine) to a Panzer iv. I then re-spawned into one of my wingmens tanks and between us we dealt with the threat.
We pushed on towards our objective in the East, all reasonably quiet apart from some distant firing sounds of our friendlies being engaged. As i crested a small hill I lost another Sherman, again to another well dug in threat, this time it was a couple of pak's. I got off the road and looked for the target which i spotted as his shell whizzed over our tank.
Then bang, another Sherman lost, I was now down to my last Sherman. I spent what seemed ages searching from the commanders cupola with my optics, I spotted and destroyed the two Stug's that had cost us so dearly.
I then pushed on toward the objective as I had a message over the radio the other squads were approaching the bridge. I was not needed for the bridge assault as the friendlies had dealt with the task.
All in all a very good combination of role play and tank sim, superb!