
Showing posts from February, 2011

Snorri's new tri colour Tiger

A work in progress

T34 vs Tiger MMP the MP Mod

CHARGE! Six of us in the game, four T34's and two Tigers, over thirty deaths. The game stopped after two hours of being stable. Our aim is now to fully integrate the patch 1 into our current build. This will then be our new foundation and will be known as MMP7 . 
Snorri's beautiful  WIP  Tiger Skin

T34 vs Tiger MMP the MP mod

MMP mod update. The last few weeks we have rekindled our interest in getting the multi-player in TvsT as stable as possible. Our aim is to release a fully stable mod for multi-player. We have a new coder on board (falco) who is sifting through the code. Vase is also checking all the scripts for errors and correcting as he finds them. Our SVN version is currently at revision 144, 3 weeks ago it was 70, so an enormous amount of work has already been done. We have had 9 players in game and relatively stable, though we still have a few problems. NSU's excellent South Russia map is in and working, just in need of the spawn points being adjusted and the hay stacks need looking at. Snorri has been hard at work on new skins. He has started with the Tiger and for weeks work it looks excellent. This is an early WIP with many more details and layers to be added. to quote Snorrie "  there is still a lot of deta...

Panzer Elite PP2-x Random Add-ons

A very nice feature of the upcoming PP2-x release is the inclusion of randomly equipped wingmen, providing the vehicle supports add-ons . If the tank/vehicle are designed/equipped with addons, such as hull armor, turret plating, skirts, anti aircraft machine gun (AAMG) etc. Then each tank* will randomly recieve, either none, some or all of the addons. In this way unique looking wingmen are possible. As you see two different sets of add-ons. To see this in action, choose the PantherG or G22 model for the player and wingman tanks in Instant Action. Observe how, not all of your wingman have the same addon items. One may have skirts but no AAMG, while another has both, or even have no addon items at all. You may even see that one of them is fully equipped with all available add-ons. A great feature! * PantherG, PantherG22 and PantherG33 are the only tanks that have been built with unique wingman. The wingman are marked or numbered in succession, according to their p...

Panzer Elite and ENB Series

Having tested many of the ENB Series downloads for the various games. I have found that the ENB_FS (Flight Sim) to give the best results on my computer. Some of the downloads caused Panzer elite to become unstable or not start at all. The FS download so far, has be reliable whilst making the game look good.

PP2-x and ENB Series

I have just tried the ENB Series, I use for Steel Beasts. Off ON The ENB Series is available here

PP2-x Panzer Elite

Firing the main gun and it's many options Today we are going to be using the PP2-x Panther on the excellent firing range by PEDG NUMPAD 5: Press numpad 5 (ensure NUMLOCK is on) to get to the commanders view F5: Press the F5 key to go to the commanders binocular view. Press NUMPAD 5 to go back to normal view. F8: Press F8 to get to the main gun site. The gun is rotated with the arrow keys on the numpad and the mouse. The gun is fired with the spacebar or the left mouse button. F9 - F10: Press F9 and F10 to adjust the range of the guns optics Alt L: Alt L to turn on the illuminated optics H: H will tell the loader to load a High Explosive round into the gun. He will have to remove the other first! You will need to use the correct scale in the optic because the round has a different weight, very realistic, well done PEDG. SHIFT A: This will tell the gunner to load you're Special AP round, again there will be a delay as the gunner removes the ...

PP2-x Axis Northern Lessay 27.7.44

Our mission is to defend our Northern flank from the advancing Allied tanks as our convoy withdraws from the Charles Linberg airfield. While two other zug's defend our left and right flanks. I picked the Panther for the task in hand and left my wingmen with a late Pzr iv, as it turned out a serious miss calculation on my part. It was a lovely clear summer morning with excellent visibility. I didn't have to wait long for the first Jumbo Sherman’s to turn up. I engaged at 1000 meters and had no effect at all, one of the Sherman’s tried to flank to my left and in doing so left his right side exposed. One hit from the 75mm destroyed him. My wingmen lasted about 2 minutes and I didn't fair much better. It was all over in 5 minutes, we were completely routed. Our Commander was not happy.

Panzer Elite

I have just completed a single scenario from Panzer Elite. I played as Allied in a Sherman M4 in Italy, the mission was to move through the villages to the East of the FARP and secure a bridge. We were supported by two other tank groups and an infantry support team. The whole sim is very polished, from the animated map briefing to the resupply and rearming of your tanks. Crew and ammo management are there for you to adjust. All started off well, we met some light resistance from an Axis scout squad but they were no match for the Sherman's fire power. About 2 km's in and we met our first real challenge, 4 Panzer iv's which were hidden very well.  We lost the lead tank almost straight away (mine) to a Panzer iv. I then re-spawned into one of my wingmens tanks and between us we dealt with the threat. We pushed on towards our objective in the East, all reasonably quiet apart from some di...

Panzer Elite III, Ostpak, MvR and the BritPak mod

First a brief history of Panzer Elite.  Panzer Elite (PE) the tank simulation developed by Wings Simulations and published by Psygnosis Limited. PE was developed and released in 1999. The developer fell into receivership and the PE code was purchased by JoWooD and re-released as Panzer Elite Special Edition (PESE). PESE is the original version of PE with all patches and mods of the time, they were supplied on a second disk. MichaelY created the "FullMonty" mod. This mod improves on the realism of the simulation. Later efforts include Monty vs Rommel and the Torch mods. Ostpak is a single player mod for PE staged on the Eastern front. It is now the most extensive expansion for the Panzer Elite engine. It is also multi-player compatible. P.E.D.G. (Panzer Elite Development Group) was founded by beta testers of PE. The mod they produced is on the bonus disk as Brit44. Most (if not all) founding members then moved on to Steel Beasts, leaving the non founding mem...

MMP T-34 vs. Tiger The MP Mod

Just comparing our latest MMP build, against the 1.1 build. We have 369 different files. These will now need to be separated and bundled up pending a beta release. We can then offer a few people the chance of beta testing the MMP mod, with the feedback we receive from the new testers we can then go on to a full release.

MMP T-34 vs. Tiger The MP Mod

More info: Things are moving along very nicely on the MMP mod. We have a new coder, Luciano and he is currently getting to grips with the script files. We have had more online testing, 8 players in game and not to many problems. The MMP mod was stable and a few bugs for Luciano to sink his teeth into.

MMP T-34 vs. Tiger The MP Mod

We have rekindled out interest in TvsT and have re started work on the game scripts. We are working hard towards squashing the final few mp bugs that have plagued a steady mp session..

WWII Battle Tanks: T-34 vs. Tiger

The game that I keep coming back to. Probably the greatest WW2 tank simulator ever created and one of the reasons it keeps me coming back, time after time.