Did You Know? Terrain Matters In Panzer Elite!


Terrain Matters: 

You can see the Tiger II is struggling in this type of terrain.

In Panzer Elite, the type of ground your vehicle is travelling on significantly impacts its speed. You'll need to carefully consider the terrain when planning your movements, because difficult terrain can cause your vehicle to slow and even get stuck!

Ground deformation:

Ground deformation was not a thing in video games 25 years ago, so Panzer Elite simulates the vehicle sinking in the terrain by doing exactly that, the tank sinks depending on the track pressure of the vehicle and the terrain it is travelling over.

Weight and Speed: 

Lighter vehicles tend to be faster than heavier ones in the game. The weight of a vehicle affects how it moves and how it handles different types of terrain, so lighter vehicles tend to be faster off road

Engine Power: 

A vehicle's engine power impacts its ability to navigate challenging terrain. Keeping the engine temperature under control is important to prevent breakdowns.

Crew Abilities: 

The skills of your crew directly affect the performance of your vehicle. For instance, a more skilled driver can operate the vehicle for longer periods without over-heating the engine or becoming stuck.

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