Oculus DK2 initial support (SDK 0.4.2) - extended mode only - uses patched chroma correction (*0.7) - UI windows are not chroma-corrected yet adjusted min_obj_size in Oculus mode to account for the deformation screen-space ambient occlusion terrain self shadowing tree shadows tree cylindrical shadowing (3D effect) auto-flight mode (toggle by Home key) - speed adjustable by mouse scroll or pgup/pgdown - turns using keyboard or mouse - in Oculus mode, turn by tilting the head grass coverage increases when looking down, darker ground AO enhanced rock fractal shading configurable HUD units added time-of-day and day-of-year adjustment shortcuts (alt+arrows) added global/pause event (alt+space) added FPS counter into the main menu to see effect of changed config pov hat event handling unified with keys/mouse look action handling implemented in cam_ctrl, pan or switch modes fixed webmuxer/videomaker when no audio is present video frame packing (LZ4) c...