Steel Beasts Pro PE

CV 9040 Tutorial Mission

In this mission I am tasked with getting my injured commander to the medic in the M113, then proceeding to eliminate the enemy recon unit somewhere to our east.

The first obstacle, there is a small river between us and the medic, luckily for us there is a bridge laying unit up ahead.

So I take control to the bridge layer from the excellent map screen and lay my bridge.

I then cross with both vehicles and rush my commander to the medic.

My next task was to collect the bridge and get the bridge layer to a safe spot. I then was tasked with rearming and refueling the CV9040's at the support vehicles close by.

As hard as I could try I could not seem to get the ammo stores replenished. So we went with what we had. The enemy position had been forward to us and marked on the map. They were almost due east. So off we set.

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