Here we are Spring 2011 and we have a new tank sim to look forward to. M4 Tank Platoon, a spin off from the great M1 Tank Platoon by Microprose, designed by the very man himself Wild Bill Stealey the founder of the legendary Microprose. This sounds too good to be true, a new tank sim based on the game that got me hooked on tanking way back when... It is. We have had the first screen shots released and to say I am disappointed is an understatement. The screen shots are available Here Here is one of the best I could find of M4 Tank Platoon At the same time I am really looking forward to IL2 Cliffs of Dover the new flight sim from Oleg Maddox. This too has tanks (unplayable) in it, as targets I assume for the many aircraft to destroy and to add to the immersion, so you would not expect too much... Wrong, they are thing's of beauty, crafted with the loving attention to detail we tankers have been crying out for in a WW2 tanksim. or Why do tankers...