
Showing posts from May, 2013

Luchs in Outerra

Nearly ready for release, tracks are not moving yet, Outerra is deciding which direction to take. As soon as they do I will let you all know.

Sd.Kfz. 123 - Panzerkampfwagen II Ausf L "Luchs"

The Luchs at Haustenbeck Germany, the Henschel tank testing grounds  (Henschel Panzerversuchsstation)   I am currently readying the Luchs for release to the Outerra community as a test tank. My hope would be that the community adds manual gearboxes etc... I have also added all hatches and will list the parts here. Those wishing to try a work in progress  HERE  is the link, I hope to add sounds from SirDieALot as soon as he has completed them. The current sounds are his Tiger sounds. I would also like to thank snorri for the base Dunkelgeld texture and tracks. I have added to snorri's base texture, though nowhere near to his standard. Spec: Transmission: synchromesh 7 forward gears and 1 reverse gear. A mock-up of what might be... one day.



Luchs UV


Stug Shürzen


Outerra Tiger 1

The Tiger 1 in Outerra with the new alpha Anteworld build, many more tank parameters to play with.

Outerra Update.

Outerra has just been updated to allow for turret mapping among other things Outerra tank script A new superb skin revision by Snorri Panther skin by Snorri and VW is the work of Foo-Bar.