
Showing posts from September, 2011

Drivers Periscope Tiger

I created the periscope a while ago and seeing how I am revisiting the Tiger drivers position I thought I would share.

Tiger Drivers View

The divers view for the Tiger, created in Sketchup and low poly game friendly.

A disgruntled Multi-player tanker:

The 3 current Multi-player tank simulations. Steel Beast Pro PE (SB) Military Based simulation: SB has a great sensation of driving a tank, the tank is solid and just feels very nice. Optics, we can assume are correct due to this being a mil/sim. Sounds are ok, though the mods really improve the stock sounds. All playable tanks have multi-crewable positions. The green maps are excellent with a large view distance of 3.5k. Realistic ballistics and damage model is also based on military data supplied by the Army that purchases the Professional version. There is also damage to the tank/vehicles systems and the ability to repair the damage or call for a tow, if a human player is on hand to drive the recovery vehicle.

Falcon BMS 4

F alcon 4 the combat flight simulator originally developed and released on December 12, 1998 by MicroProse, has had a  major  update The F16 on the newly released F4 BMS and Balkan terrain The new 3D office